Move the Climate Justice agenda forward while volunteering locally.
Join Localise's Climate Justice Programme to empower young people as active participants in advancing climate justice through community volunteering. In partnership with Education for Sustainability, Localise's youth-led and formal and non-formal learning methodologies, young people in schools and community groups will have their voices heard in addressing issues that impact their lives and communities. Through volunteering locally, participants will explore practical ways to address climate justice inequalities. By engaging in this programme, young people will use local action to influence global objectives.

Localise can integrate into your school or community group’s initiatives aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our Climate Justice Volunteering programme addresses climate-related challenges and promotes sustainability. Depending on your volunteer action project, the programme supports Goal 13: Climate Action and
Goal 14: Life Below Water or Goal 15: Life on Land.
Here’s how Localise contributes to the other Sustainable Development Goals: